I am firmly of the belief that when we bolt the stable door, thus depriving the horse of their natural lifestyle, we take on total responsibility for their wellbeing, both in terms of their care and in the way in which we choose to put them to task.
I work to a logical and analytical system which combines classically correct equitation, equine psychology, and biomechanical considerations. This sounds complex, but the aim is to teach simple and understandable patterns which work naturally for horse and rider, and to identify simple improvements which have a marked impact on a horse's way of going. The approach I take was developed by Baron Hans von Blixen Finecke, who taught my most influential instructor for many years, and which is now most publicly practiced by Christopher Bartle.
My aim is to develop a horse to be willing, energetic, athletic, and light. This comes by encouraging the horse to be happy in what they do; keeping things simple to understand, no matter the complexity of the questions being asked; allowing them to express themselves; using exercises to develop athletic ability and correct issues rather than as a means to an end; and accepting incremental improvements in the way of going as a good day in the saddle. "Ask much, expect little, reward often".
Underpinning this is a philosophy that everything we do with horses should be grounded in a firm understanding of 'why', ensuring all that we ask is based on the physical (biomechanical) and mental (psychological) understanding of the horse and rider, rather than just learning established ways of training by rote. By working on the basics in this technically grounded manner, the more complex movements and advanced jumping follow naturally.